Sunday 20 March 2011

hollywood calling bollywood

There will come a day when hollywood is going to call bollywood. There will come a time when indian cinema is going to be the source of inspiration for evryone around the world.There will come a time when evryone is going to refer to indian cinema as the best platform for displaying ones potential.

I dream of a time when the standards of indian cinema are going to be known as the best in the world.
I wish to pursue my film studies in nyfu ( new york film university ). i am certain or atleast hope that i can help bring indian cinema to an enitrely new level. I am sure that there will come a time in indian cinema where we wil get over our pot bellied middle aged heros running around trees behind heroines that are half their age. I am certain that we can surpass this. I wish to create films that will create an impact among people. i want to be that person who revoultionises indian cinema. i want to be that one who takes indian cinema to a whole new level.

In order to this i am sure i stll have a very long time to go. There is still so much that i have to learn and master. i am still a jack of all but a master of none. Its going to take a lot of effort from my side and also a lot of sleepless nights and hard work but i hope that the end result will be good. Ten years down the lane i hope that i fulfill my destiny.

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