Sunday 20 March 2011

My favourite movie

My favourite movie is the first movie that i watched when i was a little girl sitting on my fathers lap. THE LION KING is my favuorite movie. This movie will always be special to me.Everything about this movie excited me. It taught me the importance of facing my fears and also it taught me how important our parents are in our lives and how they can never be replaced. It made me realise that we can never run away from our problems and how it is always best to face them head on.

The storyline of the moive kept me glued to the tv screen and the music from the film still holds a special place in my heart. Its such a brillaint piece of work. Everyting about the moive is just simply enchanting. After i watched this movie i started to believe that even the impossible is possible.

The characters in this moive are so unforgetable. Simba, muffassa, naala, timon and pumba all still are so special to me. I can watch this movies even now even though i have seen it a million times before. I even know each and every line of this movie memorised.

My favourite charecter in this film is the female lead naala.She is seen as simbas best friend while growing up and than later turns into his mate. This is again a classic example of best friends falling in love. She is the perfect mate for simba as he used to tell her all his secrets and they both alwyas ended up getting in trouble together. She believes in simba and knows that one day he is going to make a great king. She has her own role to play in the movie.She is potrayed as fun loving and very sweet and also very bave and also sticks by simba in his time of need. I hope to posses all the qualities that naala is potrayed to have one day. i feel that naala is a perfect example of how a woman is supposed to be.

The lion king alwas has been my favourite movie and will continue to be my favourite film till the end of my time. This movie is truly remarkable and one of a kind. Its a classic. This movie has a special place to a lot of people all over the world.

hollywood calling bollywood

There will come a day when hollywood is going to call bollywood. There will come a time when indian cinema is going to be the source of inspiration for evryone around the world.There will come a time when evryone is going to refer to indian cinema as the best platform for displaying ones potential.

I dream of a time when the standards of indian cinema are going to be known as the best in the world.
I wish to pursue my film studies in nyfu ( new york film university ). i am certain or atleast hope that i can help bring indian cinema to an enitrely new level. I am sure that there will come a time in indian cinema where we wil get over our pot bellied middle aged heros running around trees behind heroines that are half their age. I am certain that we can surpass this. I wish to create films that will create an impact among people. i want to be that person who revoultionises indian cinema. i want to be that one who takes indian cinema to a whole new level.

In order to this i am sure i stll have a very long time to go. There is still so much that i have to learn and master. i am still a jack of all but a master of none. Its going to take a lot of effort from my side and also a lot of sleepless nights and hard work but i hope that the end result will be good. Ten years down the lane i hope that i fulfill my destiny.

Saturday 19 March 2011

Chasing my dreams

There are so many things to do but so little time. Im intrigued by the world around me. It amazes me how much there is to life. Theres so much that someone can draw inspiration from. My main aim of inspiration is movies. i enjoy watcihng movies. i can spend an entire day watching movies. i enjoy works of  Takeshi kitano, Majid majidi, Akiro kurosawa, Alfred hitchcock, Stephan spielberg, Woody allen, Sham benagal, Adoor gopalakrishnan etc are all directors whose work i enjoy. I was introduced to world cinema and started realising the beauty of iranian and french films. According to me moives has the ability to reach out to a large mass and at the same time it is something that is enjoyed by evryone. There is a genre of film preferred by everyone.

My intrest in direction also got me intrested in several other related fields such as music, photography,
styling, theatre, reading and writting. Every director has to have a very admirable music sense and because of this i got introduced to music. This made me realise that i could sing and singing also became something that i enjoyed pursuing. From music i got introduced to musical theatres which helped me to grow as a singer and as a performer. Due to theatre o started to read a lot. I started reading a lot and completely fell in love with the works of shakespeare. I than started reading several poems and literary pieces of Georege Bernard Shaw, Coldrige, Sydney, William Blake, John Keats, Jane Austen, Martina Cole, Judy Bloom, Khaled Hassini, Sydney Sheldon, Shoba De,  Paul Cohello etc..As i began to read a lot i had this strong urge from within to try my hand in writting and so far it has worked out quite well. I started out writting articles which got published in my school magazines and newapapers and slowly i started writting plays which people started to appreciate. During my high school holidays i would often intern with my dad as a stylist for several of his ads. As it turned out i was really quite good at styling as well. All this helped me grow as an individual and it also helped me expand my creative horizon.

Once i knew what my dream was i started working towards my goal. I started working part time after my college in a production house. i started getting actively involved in the local theatre and also took part in several music and photography competitions. I also read in my free time and even started working as a free lance journalist. All this helped me get one step closer in achieveing my dream.

Aspirations to become a director

From the time i can remember, i have always wanted to become a director. Making movies is my passion in life. Lights,camera, action - The three magical words that keep me on a high. As a child growing up my views about life had always been different, while other kids my age would rejoice about the fact that they get to go to the playground or attend a birthday party i rejoiced over the brilliant joy that i used to get if i was allowed to watch a moive. As a child when asked what i wanted to become when i grew up i would always say that i wanted to be something that would help bring immense happiness to people. i never was quite sure what i wanted to do with my life for a very long time.As a child everyone would always see me taking pictures and shooting small videos and would never see me playing with barbie dolls or playing with any other toy that children my age would  usually be playing with. By the time i was 7 years old  pepole around me began to notice that i used too take stupendous pictures for a 7 year old. By the time i was 10  i started making documentaries on several issues and my docuementaries started gaining lot of attention.

i started taking part in several photography competitions and also started participating in several small scale film making contests and started to win. As i started making short films i realised that it was my calling to do this. I realised that i enoyed this and i decided that i wanted to be a film maker. i was very determined to achieve my goal.I  knew it wasnt going to be easy and i knew there were going to be constant paralles that were going to be drawn between my father and me. My father is also a well known fim maker and in the begingin i thought i was drawn to film making as a chance to impress my father but i realised that i actually had a lot of passion and zeal for making movies. Both my parents encouraged me and gave me all their support.

Today i work towards being a succesful director and following in the footsteps of my father. i know that the ride isnt going to be easy but lifes a climb but the view is great.